Enduro mountain bike racing is designed to be the definitive test for the mountain biker within the context of a large, community-oriented event focused on creating a great atmosphere, competition and overall experience for each competitor. This includes riding the best terrain available in each host location. The racing platform detailed below outlines a format that allows riders to compete against each other, starting individually, on special stages which are designed to challenge the rider’s technical ability and physical capacity. The following rules aim to define the enduro mountain bike discipline while still allowing space for each event to showcase its own individual characteristics.

Series Format & Point Structure

The 2024 Hot Laps Enduro is an all new race format perfect for new or seasoned riders. Racers must complete the course they are registered for in the order that is assigned. Once completed, the rider will “dip their chip” at the start gate to put a time on the board. After receiving a course time, riders are cleared to do their additional HOT LAPS!

  • Racers must complete the entire course and in the order that is posted

  • Once completed, racers will ride back to the main venue and “dip their chip” to put a course time on the board

  • Once the racer has “dipped their chip” they are be cleared to do their additional HOT LAPS!

  • Each rider gets up to 2 additional runs on each stage (THREE total timed runs per stage - your chip will turn off after three times through)

  • Racers DO NOT have to do the course in order for their second and third laps

  • Racers DO NOT have to take the additional laps, you choose if you do one or all of them

  • Your best lap time on each stage is the one that counts towards your overall

  • Your slowest lap times on each stage will be dropped

  • Timing system will be turned off at 3 pm SHARP

  • No exceptions will be made after timing is turned off

Stage Wins/Podiums

  • Each stage of the enduro is brand sponsored.

  • The winners of each race category will be entered into a raffle for that stages grand prize - winners announced at podiums.

  • Pros are excluded from the stage grand prize raffle

  • Cash pay out for top three pros

  • Awards for top three in all race categories


Please follow this link for a complete category guide.

We do allow category changes at any time right up until you pick up your race packet. It is common for racers to wish to change their category the closer they get to the event, especially after the course is announced and the practice session. Simply let us know when you check in that you'd like to make a category change for the race.

Racing Age

Your racing age is determined by your age on December 31, 2024.

Junior and Youth Categories

Youth racing has exploded. We have created more space for youth to race with us, including more consolidation to keep youth friends racing together on the same day, while also adding more age-based categories to promote proper seeding of youth on the right course and level of competition.

Course Information

Courses are released at Hot Laps MTB discretion, typically the Monday or Tuesday before the race weekend. Course releases are always posted to the website and via social media. Do not email and ask for course information. All riders must attend the rider meeting, which is held each race morning, for important course information. Course changes of any kind, to include stage cancellation, may be made by the race director at any time before or during an event. Course modifications will typically be made only in unforeseen or extreme circumstances, for example, as necessitated by weather or trail conditions, racer injury, or other emergencies. The race director may modify the course or cancel race stage(s) to apply to any or all race categories, as determined appropriate considering the health and safety of participants and execution of the event.

E-Bike Racing

E- Bike Open will race the Pro/Expert course.

Communication Rider Briefing

A mandatory rider briefing will be held for all racers the morning of the race. Important race information, including changes to the rules, course, timetable, and details of course marking, feed stations and assistance locations, will be communicated at this briefing. The exact time of your race briefing will be in the Event Guide schedule for race weekend. Non- attendance at the rider briefing will not be accepted as an excuse for any rule violation by any rider.

Safety Rider Down

If a rider encounters another rider down on course, a verbal response is necessary before continuing. If no response between the riders is given, the rider must stop and assess the situation. If the rider not responding is injured please call 911 if it is life threatening, or notify the

closest course marshal. If you begin life-saving first-aid, send the next rider down to the marshal. Any rider who does not stop for an unresponsive rider will be banned from the series. Riders who help injured riders will be given the opportunity to repeat the stage. To coordinate a re-run you must communicate to a timing volunteer or the nearest course manager right away to determine the best time and order to repeat the stage.

Head Injury/Concussion Protocol

A rider who has a positive mechanism for a head injury will be assessed by a first-responder of the race. If the first-responder deems the rider unfit, the rider will be removed from the course and forbidden to ride in the event for that day. If another event is scheduled within 10 days, the rider must submit a doctor's note confirming that they are ready to participate in mountain biking again. When a first-responder deems a rider unfit to continue, that rider must submit their number plate and timing chip to the first-responder without question.

Safety Equipment

All riders must wear a helmet during competition, including during untimed transition stages while on the bike. If you are walking during a transition stage, a helmet can be removed. The correct fitting, condition and suitability of the rider’s helmet is the sole responsibility of the rider. Specific body protection including but not limited to, knee pads, elbow pads, full fingered gloves, full-face helmet and torso protection are strongly encouraged for CDC events, but not mandatory. The extent of the protection worn by a rider in excess of a standard helmet is up to the sole discretion of the rider.


All competitors must wear a helmet purchased/manufactured within the last three years. Random inspections are done. If a helmet does not meet this stipulation the rider will not be allowed to compete. Riders must wear an approved helmet for mountain biking. Helmets with removable chin bars are acceptable. Helmets must be worn at all times while riding, including climbing transitions.

Recommended Gear List:

Suitable hydration backpack
Waterproof jacket
Sun protection
Spare tube, puncture repair kit and hand pump Multi-tool, tire levers and small parts

First aid kit
Trailforks map
Extra food and fluids
Eye protection (glasses or goggles) Emergency contact information Emergency blanket
Water bottle

Directions and Course Markings

A Trailforks course map will be displayed in the main venue. This map will also be published on the event website the Monday or Tuesday before race day. Riders are encouraged to download the Trailforks app and understand the race route before leaving the race venue..

Course Tape

Course tape will be used to mark a race stage. Where two pieces of course tape (gates), on opposite sides of the course, are installed, the riders must pass between them. In these areas, missing, crossing or passing the course tape on the wrong side will be deemed as course cutting and will lead to disqualification.

Directional Arrows

Directional arrows will be used to mark the course transitions.

Competition Requirements Rider Equipment

Each rider must be self-sufficient during the entire duration of the race. Personal responsibility and self-sufficiency are a large part of the spirit of enduro racing and riders are encouraged to carry adequate equipment for operating in mountainous environments. Each rider should remember that they are solely responsible for themselves, but also aim to help other competitors on course where possible.

Only one frame, one front and rear suspension unit (fork/rear shock) and one pair of wheels can be used by a competitor during a race. Any rider needing to replace a wheel, frame or suspension during the competition must present the broken item to the main venue, where the race director will assess the damage. Only upon approval of the race director, may a rider replace a frame, suspension part or wheel.

Any rider found to have replaced a part without consent from the race director will be disqualified (DSQ).


Bring more than you think you'll need! Plan to carry at least 50 ounces of water on you at all times while riding, plus carb and protein rich snacks to have on hand throughout the day. The aid station on course is not intended to be your sole support, it's intended for water top-offs and food to supplement you. Proper preparation goes a long way in preventing emergencies on race day.

E-Bike Equipment Requirements

E-Bikes must meet the following requirements in order to be eligible for racing:

1. Motor only provides assistance if the rider is pedaling (pedal assist)
2. Has a motor with a continuous maximum output of 630 watts
3. No throttle may be on the bike. The motor is only controlled by pedal assist
4. Must have a MAXIMUM speed of 28km/h before power cut-off.
5. During the race, E-Bikers must use the SAME battery as they started with. There will be absolutely no mid-race charging or swapping of batteries. This encourages riders to strategically choose power modes depending on terrain demands.
6. Two functioning hydraulic disk brakes.
7. Riders must complete the race on the same frame they started with.
8. Outside assistance is not permitted unless approved by the race director.

Call Ups

Call Ups are essentially waves of racers leaving the main venue to start the course. Call Ups are done by category and/or combination of categories. Call Up times will be released with the course on Wednesday or Thursday before race day. Call Up times are done strategically by the race director based on the course, volunteers, logistics, etc. Racers leaving outside of their call up time without express permission from the race director will be subject to disqualification (DSQ).


There are no individual start times for each stage. Racers shall self seed at the start of each stage.


The overall race time will be calculated by your fastest lap per stage, slowest laps will be dropped. In the event of unforeseen or extreme circumstances, the race director can decide to withdraw a stage (s). In the event of a tie in the overall time, the highest placed rider from the final stage will be awarded the higher placing.

Environmental Rules

It is of utmost importance that all racers respect their environment and consider the impact they leave behind for the local riding community. The below rules have been put in place to protect our trails, our riding environments and the overall safety of the participants.

• No disposable goggle tear offs are allowed to be used.
• The disposal of food packaging on the trail is strictly prohibited.
• Riders must not store food or drinks on the trail (food stashes). Packaging left behind and uncontrolled food supplies may have a serious impact on local wildlife and the local environment. Any rider found to be hiding or retrieving food items from unofficial feed stations will be penalized.

Rule Violations

Course Cutting

Taking shortcuts on course in order to gain an advantage can both damage the environment and brings the sport and spirit of enduro mountain racing into disrepute. Therefore, any rider trying to save time by choosing a line that lies outside the marked course will be disqualified.

In some circumstances, the race director may choose to apply a time penalty, not a DSQ to a rider found to have cut the course unintentionally. However, any rider leaving the obvious line must be aware that they risk a DSQ.

Course tape and signs with an arrow will be used to identify the course. Where two pieces of tape, on opposite side of the course, are installed, the riders must pass between them. In these areas, missing, crossing or passing the course tape on the wrong side will be deemed as course cutting.

Illegal Outside Assistance

Racers are encouraged to help follow competitors on course. Any competitor receiving outside assistance from a non-racer without prior agreement from the race director will be disqualified. This includes using team staff/outside help to carry equipment and/or supplies around the course, or performing repairs during the race. Designated, on course Neutral Support is allowed.

U13 Outside Assistance

U13 racers may receive outside assistance from fellow racers, team managers, parents, race officials and spectators in the form of bike repairs, carrying extra clothing, equipment and/or food/water.

We encourage youth racers to be self-supported to the maximum extent possible. Youth racing categories are the ideal time to learn the skills to maintain self, their bike, and navigate the race course and day to prepare for progression to the full CDC course on Saturdays where self-sufficiency is required.


At no time can a racer have a non racer follow them down a stage. Examples include filming the racer, coaching a racer, or joining your friends on course. Only registered racers are allowed on course on their actual race day. The only exception is on Sunday, youth racers may have a parent or coach follow them on course for support during the race, though all youth racers must lead and complete the course under their own power. At no time can a youth racer be pulled, carried or pushed.

PET POLICY We love our dogs, but no dogs are allowed on course at any time, and all dogs must be on leash at the race venue. Please be a responsible pet owner and pick up after them - don't leave poop bags in the woods!

Rule Violation Recording

The race director is responsible for the application of the rules and has the final decision making authority. The race director can appoint special marshals to travel around the course at their own discretion to undisclosed locations to monitor and report rule violations to the race director.

Any rule violations must be registered with the race director within 30 minutes of the last competitor finishing the final stage. Any protest on final race times must be registered with the race director within 30 minutes of the official results posted at the event headquarters. All final decisions on assessing penalties and race time corrections will be made within 60 minutes after the protest period closes.

Recommended Penalties

The following shall guide the determination of penalties. Penalty assessment is at the full discretion of the race director.
• Late for Call Up: 30 seconds
• Not obeying course marking/course cutting: Disqualification

• Unintentional course cutting: 30 seconds
• Illegal Outside Assistance: Disqualification
• Use of mechanized vehicle on any race course: Disqualification
• Environmental Disrespect: From 1 minute to Disqualification
• Changing racer equipment with authorization: 2 minutes
• Changing a piece of racer equipment without authorization: Disqualification

• Disposal of a goggle tear-off on the trail: Disqualification
• Altering the course: Disqualification
• Missing number plate: 30 seconds
• Food stashing: 5 minutes
• Illegally using motorized vehicle or e-bike during the event: Disqualification


$50 refund fee until 30 days from the event. No refunds after, no exceptions.