Racers self-seed in the category that is the best fit for their skill level, desired level of competition.

PRO / EXPERT: riders compete on the same course with the distinction being a higher level of skill and competition between these categories. The course is 5,000 feet (+/- a few hundred feet) and 5 stages on a mix of blue, black, and double-black trails. Pro riders are the elite athletes of our sport. They are extremely competent at jumping, drops, cornering and technical rock or trail features. A pro rider can ride any trail in any condition at race speed without hesitation. Expert riders are comfortable with most obstacles they encounter on a trail, loose terrain, and technical rock gardens.  They ride most trail features but may occasionally take an alternate line.  

SPORT: riders have some mountain bike experience but may be happier traveling down a trail at slower speeds. They may be newer to racing and eager to compete against other racers at a similar skill level. Sport racers can ride many trails but will not hesitate to take an alternate line around more technical sections/features above their skill. A sport course is approximately 3,000 feet (+/- a few hundred feet) and 4 stages on a mix of blue and black trails – sport riders do not do any double black level trails. 

BEGINNER: Course is for those moving from being riders to racers. They have experience mountain biking and are ready test their skills in a competitive race environment. A beginner course is up to 2,000 feet (+/- a few hundred feet) and 2-3 stages on mostly blue with occasional black trails.

E-BIKE: E-bike racers compete on the same courses as Pro/Expert.

OPEN/MORE! is a category created to expand the gender categories beyond the two binary options to include all people who are non-binary, gender fluid, etc. If you have any questions or input on the topic of gender identity and how we can better serve you and all people and genders, please reach out!


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